The L-Space Web: Fandom

Amsterdam 1.0: Announce

From: Leo Breebaart <>
Subject: [ANNOUNCE] *F* 11 Aug 96: Amsterdam 1.0 -- an a.f.p meet in the Netherlands
Message-ID: <>
Date: Tue, 16 Jul 1996 14:17:21 GMT

Dear a.f.people,

Next month, on Sunday 11 August 1996 to be precise, Alex the Eternally
Harassed will be visiting Amsterdam.

After discussing this in e-mail we have come to the conclusion that it
would be fun to try and turn this joyous occasion into a modest continental
a.f.p-meet. (At the very least there'll be the two of us -- you can't get
much more modest than that :-))

The idea is to meet up at lunchtime, grab a bite somewhere, and take it
from there.

If anybody happens to be in the neigbourhood that day and would like to
join us, please follow-up or reply to this message.

See you in August,

Leo Breebaart  (

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