Our esteemed Bursar Now is an exciting time for the Discworld Convention. As the year draws to a close and we enter 1998, the year of the Convention itself, the activities of the committee begin to intensify in preparation for the frenzy September will hold for us all.

In recent months the decision has been taken by the committee to change the legal standing of the Convention from that of a society to that of a limited company. Hence, on July 8th 1997, The Discworld Convention (1998) Ltd was formed with Terry's consent.

The company remains non-profit making. The main reason for the change is to restrict the financial liability of the organisational committee and to ensure the security of future events.

In November the Discworld Convention will be re-launching with a new image and a logo designed by Paul Kidby. We are holding a launch party following the Forbidden Planet signing on Saturday the 15th. Details of the party are provided elsewhere in this issue.

Dried Frog Pills Issue Two of the Discworld Chronicle features articles by Dave Langford and other notable Discworld fans. Members of the committee have written about the events planned to prepare you for the delights ahead. One of the most exciting events featured is the Maskerade Gala Dinner. We have learned from the experiences of 1996, and plan a spectacular meal and first class entertainment. In true Discworld style, it will be a formal masked ball with an unmasking at just before midnight. It will truly be a night to remember.

I hope all our members enjoyed Issue One of the Chronicle. We have received a number of helpful comments and compliments. But remember: the quality of the publication depends largely on your input - we need your letters, artwork and articles for inclusion in future issues. Every contributor will receive a free Convention T-shirt.

Enjoy Issue Two and have a wonderful festive season. We will see you in November at the Jingo signing tour, or in the New Year when Issue Three hits the streets.

Paul A Rood
Convention Chairman

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Web pages designed by Derek Moody
December 1997