We had an unprecedented1 response to the Soul Music competition featured in our last issue2. The laundry basket was emptied to provide a vessel for the cards and the three lucky winners who will receive their goodies from Astrion are:
Neil Summerfield
Karl Kitts
Silas Potts
The correct answer was "Phil Bush and Keith Hopwood". Thanks to April Robertson at Astrion for providing the prizes.


Crossword Puzzle Answers (Issue One)


1. Venturii - 6. UU - 8. Col - 9. Reg - 10. Zen - 11. Scree - 12. Pteppic - 14. Odo - 15. Faust - 16. Om - 19. Copperhead - 22. Eric - 23. Ktt - 24. The - 25. Witch


2. Eight - 3. Tez - 4. Ron - 5. Fliemoe - 7. Urn - 8. Carrot - 11. Scum - 12. Pratchett - 13. Put - 16. Osric - 17. Cephut - 18. Sock - 20. Prime - 21. Death

"DISCWORLD GEOGRAPHY" Puzzle Answers (Issue One)

Agateanempire, Alkhali, Ankhmorpork, Badass, Copperhead, Djelibeybi, Ephebe, Hersheba, Holywood, Howondaland, Klatch, Krull, Ku, Lancre, Omnia, Pseudopolis, Quirm, Ramtops, Scrote, Sheepridge, Skund, Slice, Stolat, Stoplains, Tsort, Wyrmberg.

1 Well it was the first issue.
2 Sorry, this competition was not in the on-line3 issue.
3 There's a Discworld Diary competition in the current printed issue - you're missing4 that one too...
4 Of course you could subscribe it may not be too late!

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Web pages designed by Derek Moody
December 1997