The L-Space Web: DWCon98

Discworld Convention 1998 Merchandise Order Form

Prices listed are fully inclusive of postage and packing inside the UK. For overseas orders, please add £2.50.

Once completed, this form should be sent, (with cheque or money order in pounds sterling made out to "Paul A. Rood" for the relevant amount) to:

The Discworld Convention 1998
23 Medora Road
Essex RM7 7EP
First name  
Last name  
Post code  
[ ]Troll Pewter Badge - £3.40 each [ ]A'Tuin Pewter Badge - £3.40 each
[ ]Pewter Badge Offer - set for £6.50 [ ]Convention T-shirt - £14.99 each
[ ]Convention Mug - £5.50 each [ ]Convention Mug Offer - 5 for £20.00
[ ]Postcards - 25p each [ ]Postcard Offer - 6 for £1.00
[ ]Comemmorative Troll - £10.00 each [ ]1998 Programme Book - £2.50 each
[ ]Convention Video - £10.00 each [ ]Convention Troll Poster - £4.50 each
[ ]Chronicle Issue 1 - £1.50 each [ ]Chronicle Issue 2 - £1.50 each
[ ]Chronicle Issue 3 - £1.50 each [ ]Chronicle Issue 4 - £1.50 each
[ ]Pair of 1-Dollar Bills - £1.25 each [ ]Pair of 5-Dollar Bills - £1.25 each
[ ]Pair of 10-Dollar Bills - £1.25 each [ ]Pair of 20-Dollar Bills - £1.25 each
[ ]Pair of 100-Dollar Bills - £1.25 each [ ]Set of Dollar Bills - £4.95 each
[ ]Troll Birthday Card - £2.99 each [ ]Set of 5 Troll Cards - £10.00 each
[ ]Guards! Guards! T-shirt - £10.00 each [ ]Guards! Guards! Brochure - £4.50 each
[ ]Soul Cake Tuesday Duck Print - £14.99 each. Please indicate your three number choices below:
1: ______ 2: ______ 3: ______

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The 1998 Discworld Convention Pages are maintained by S.T.Brown.

The L-Space Web is a creation of The L-Space Librarians

This mirror site is maintained by Leo Breebaart