oh gawdz. you want to know more about a.f.a-f-p.
the motto is: "non existante".
the name originated from a post by Emmet O'Brien. however upon further research, The Leather Goddess is given points for being the first.
the a.f.a-f-p founder is Michael S. Grant. (Blame^WBless him.)
the content, in the main, is from volunteering afpers, and the occasional afafper (i.e. lurker) who can be induced to proffer their homepage uri.
the literal interpretation of alt.fan.alt-fan-pratchett should be in the form of the nomenclature system of the usenet newsgroups. "alt.fan.*" means that it is a newsgroup for the "*". in this case, it is for the newsgroup alt.fan.pratchett.
an afafper is someone who enjoys the newsgroup alt.fan.pratchett. (well, obviously, since they wouldn't be a fan if they didn't enjoy the ng.)
for more afafp info click this dot --> .
alt.fan.pratchett is an ecletic collection of personages who enjoy a civil discussion, uproarious humour, satire, parody, irony, sarcasm, slapstick, Monty Python, reading books, meeting each other in places that provide good beverages and repast. alt.fan.pratchett also enjoy the discussion of Terry Pratchett's work.
definition of an alt.fan.pratchetter: [ from
The One True Afpmeet
FAQ ] "afper" means anyone who is, or has ever been, a Comm^W^W
connected with alt.fan.pratchett.
The webring is just a fun way to connect afper's homepages together. The webring is a fun way to keep a stable link to the Afpers' Homepages directory. The webring is a fun way to link to the alt.fan.pratchett newsgroup.
I'm just a webring junkie.
Personally I prefer: - to annoy as many people as you can before you return to dust.
If your question is not answered here, you can use email to question me further.
Please try using the email address at the bottom of the page. Ta.
nb. Please keep in mind that I failed my exams. I sure hope I got these answers right.
you really are a glutton for information.
[3 April 1997 (probably earlier) - June 2000]
Under the leadership and command of Generalissimo M.S. Grant,
alt.fan.alt-fan-pratchett enjoyed an eclectic membership that was unsurpassed.
However, Generalissimo Grant was constrained by his nemesis R.L., and was
forced to choose his successor. Some are born to command, some have command
foisted on them. Others just wrest 'em. And some just wibble about.
[June 2000 - 23 November 2001]
Thus El Presidente Sockii took control of alt.fan.alt-fan-pratchett. And
the membership has not been the same since June 2000.
alt.fan.alt-fan-pratchett has been cascading-stylesheet-ified, expanded to
include a webring, an incorrigible 404 section, and a perky 'invited' section,
as well as coy javascripting bloat. During periods of
boredominterest, a.f.p. alumini are
sought and invited to submit their website. Since the Usenet archives are once
more open to the public, this search
is potentially limitless. (Thank you Google.com!) As they say, "you'd
better watch out". The most kindly adjectives for the current afafp are:
diverse, picturesque.
[23 November 2001 - 10 October 2002]
In addition to inheriting the pleasures of gloating over a long list of names and urls,
El Presidente was beseiged by inherited nemesis.
[10 October 2002 - whenever]
Alt.fan.alt-fan-pratchett is rejuvenated! Slicker, fresher, browser-friendly! [credit: elfin]
Alt.fan.alt-fan-pratchett is found a new home! [credit: elfin&esmi&Leo&Lspace team]
Alt.fan.alt-fan-pratchett is given A New Hope. [credit: R.L.]
Alt.fan.alt-fan-pratchett is.
The post that gets the credit: (Emmet, quoting the General himself; dated Sun, 11 Jun 1995 18:21:09 GMT; context: a successful Cambridge meet)
Dharos of Al-Dukran writes: >We love you Emmet, we do; We love you Emmet, we do; We love you Emmet, we do; >Oh, Emmet we love you *bow with flourish*.. Thank you very many !! >[A gratuitous posting slips through the Net...] I didn't think it was gratuitous.. timely recognition of my charisma, wit and originality.. [ Anyone for alt.fan.alt.fan.pratchett ? Somewhere to go on about how wonderful other afpers are.. ] Emmet
Leo Breebaart summarises the first occurrance of the catchphrase "a.f.a-f-p" :
1. Robert E Arthur starts a casting thread. 2. Rich Holmes is the first to mention the casting of afpers, in the context of Rincewind's beard: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- In other words: a short, scraggly, brownish beard. It's a metterfor. A failed beard for a failed wizzard. It also means I have a chance at the part. Let me know when they start auditions. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Leo Breebaart replies incredulously: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm sorry Rich, but this absolutely won't do. You *can't* have a beard. It's just not *right* that you should have one. Before all this business with GIFs and WWW home pages I had perfectly functional ideas of what various net.personalities looked like, based upon a combination of, um, scientific and intuitive extrapolation of their articles (yeah). Then the pictures started appearing, and with each one my world crumbled a bit further. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. David Silberstein is then the first to come up with "The Idea": --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey Leo, how about a META-a.f.p directory in the pratchett archives? You could have GIFs of all the major posters to a.f.p., and save the best of the threads that get posted, complete with footnotes, merkins, beer, pork products, morris dancing, rivers of ossified sludge, et bloody cetera. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Rich Holmes takes it one important step further, but gets a minor technical detail wrong: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RFD: alt.fan.alt.fan.pratchett. I'll be posting my book signing itinerary soon. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. The Leather Goddess, finally, scores the touchdown: (Date: Mon, 17 Jan 94 19:55:13 +1300) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Look, that's no good, there are far more name components than is necessary. It'll have to be alt.fan.alt-fan-pratchett. And don't ever try to turn it into a Big 7 group, because you can't do that - alt groups never die. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
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