Tuesday 28 February 2006 23:00-23:30 (Radio 4 FM)
By Terry Pratchett.
There are gods everywhere on the Discworld but only a few people can see them. Each small god lies in wait, desperately wanting to make someone believe in him. On the Discworld, gods need people more than people need gods.
Director: Gordon House.
Tuesday 7 March 2006 23:00-23:30 (Radio 4 FM)
By Terry Pratchett.
Novice priest Brutha has been selected by Deacon Vorbis to go on a secret mission to the infidel city of Ephebe. The Great God Om, who is stuck in the body of a small tortoise, is going with him in a little wicker basket.
Director Gordon House.
Tuesday 14 March 2006 23:00-23:30 (Radio 4 FM)
By Terry Pratchett.
Ephebian philosophers cover the landscape like locusts, argue violently among themselves, and live in barrels. They appear to be no match for the scheming Deacon Vorbis who has captured the city of Ephebe by trickery. But one philosopher, Didactylos, is prepared to stand up to him.
Director: Gordon House.
Tuesday 21 March 2006 23:00-23:30 (Radio 4 FM)
By Terry Pratchett.
Deacon Vorbis has returned triumphantly to Omnia. He proclaims himself the One True Prophet. But novice priest Brutha knows what really happened in the desert and the Great God Om is still out there, stuck in the body of a tiny tortoise.
Director: Gordon House.
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