The L-Space Web: Filks

Ghost Posters

Author :Megamole

Given the recent deluge of ectoplasmic wit and wisdom from a certain insubstantial revenant (named after a limpet-like Australian opening batsman), this mole felt obliged to return to his dojo and meditate. After reading the ancient texts of Firokujutsu, he humbly presents this haiku and a small offering to the tea ceremony that is afp.

The cherry blossom falls
On the autumn grass.
Whoops! My lawnmower slipped!

* Ghost Posters! *

If there's something strange in your blameless thread
Who you gonna blame?
* Ghost Posters! *
If there's something weird happening to your head
Who you gonna blame?
* Ghost Posters! *
I ain't afraid of no ghost
I ain't afraid of no ghost
If your cheese threads develop mysterious holes
Who can you call?
* Ghost Posters! *
Laundry bills from Hell, secret agent moles -
Oh, who you gonna call?
* Ghost Posters! *
I ain't afraid of no ghost
I ain't afraid of no ghost
Who you gonna call?
* Ghost Posters! *
If you're all alone, pick up the phone
And read
* Ghost Posters! *
I ain't afraid of no ghost
I hear it reads the FAQs
I ain't afraid of no ghost
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Who you gonna call?
* Ghost Posters! *
If you want a dose of a freaky ghost
You'd better read
* Ghost Posters! *
Let me tell you something
Postin' makes him feel good
I ain't afraid of no post
I ain't afraid of no post
Don't get caught in [R] threads, no
* Ghost Posters! *
When he comes through your door
Unless you just want some more
I think you better kill
* Ghost Posters! *
Who you gonna call?
* Ghost Posters! *

I'll just get my Mini Moog.


The L-Space Filk section is no longer actively being maintained. It is only kept online for historical purposes.

The L-Space Web is a creation of The L-Space Librarians
This mirror site is maintained by Colm Buckley